Should you really share your knowledge with other people?

"Hey, you know there is a flash mob on that day by the people of our college. I have been hearing so much about that but I really don't know what it is. So much promotions are going on, it would be an exciting event...."
While those people were discussing about the so called amazing promotions about the flash mob, I couldn't control myself and actually interrupted them and told them that a Flash mob is not actually a FLASH MOB if it is promoted like this.
Why I did that? Why did I actually tell them when they were not even talking to me? But first of all, they were talking so loudly that I could hear everything what they were saying and secondly, I really find it difficult to stop myself from correcting the wrong and stupid stuff that people keep discussing while sitting around me.
After this incident, there was one thought that kept on haunting my mind - Is it really a good idea to share your knowledge with other people?
I mean, come on, you would share only if you know you are right unless you want to sound like an idiot. But does this world actually respect the truth and the right thing?
You might know about a certain topic much more than the person in front of you and when you hear him talking about that topic, that too wrongly; how are you actually supposed to refrain yourself from correcting that person? Or should you prefer ignorance?
A lot of books and quotes I read said that one should always share his knowledge. It only gets increased but what if people are not open to accepting the truth? What if people are so stubborn that they won't accept that they were wrong and acting stupidly & you were actually trying to help them? It would never occur to their mind that you corrected them with the a positive motive. You wanted them to learn the right thing so that they do not get insulted by some other person for behaving so stupidly. But do you think people really understand this fact? I don't think so and that's why I am compelled to rethink about my habit which includes sharing my knowledge and telling people what is right and what is wrong, in case I, myself know about it.
What do you think? Which way should be preferred? Sharing of knowledge with others or ignorance?


  1. share knowledge when its appreciated.. But not always! your interruption can turn into a debate or an argument.. or it can be totally side-walled by the other person. if you wanna share the knowledge, you've to learn to be patient and understanding.. becoming stubborn on your views won't help anyone..
    I guess, thats why all the so called wise people are calm, collected and speak in riddles which can be taken either way by the listener..!

    1. That's a really good piece of advice. I would try my best to implement that in my life. I hope I get success in this. Thanks :)


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