PhotoStory: Finding Happiness in Things You Don't Enjoy

How does your face look like when you are made to do something you don't want to do? What's the expression on your face when you're put in a situation you don't want to be in? In my case, it just shows on my face. Seriously! If I don't like a person, he/she can just tell it by my face no matter how I hard I try to be nice or try to like that person. If I don't feel comfortable at a place, you can tell it through my face. 
And this means, I can't pretend to enjoy something if I don't enjoy it. But that definitely leads to lot of people being unhappy with you, lots of relationships breaking... But I found a way to overcome it. How?
When you're put in a situation you don't like, try to create/do something you like in that situation.
Let me explain by example. So, I hate family functions. I just don't enjoy them no matter how much I try. I hate those long marriages where you have to sit, eat and gossip. I don't even enjoy the food there. A few months back, I had to attend a marriage of a cousin. Now, I loved the cousin and really wanted to be a part of it cheerfully.
But knowing myself, I looked for another way. And that way turned to be taking 100s of pictures. I suck at photography but still I tried... tried hundreds of pictures. Some of them got right and are still in my phone and some of them just got deleted. 
In today's PhotoStory, I am going to share some of those pictures... all unedited ones... clicked by me or my friends. 
Don't copy! :P  All of them are mind but still if you need to use them somewhere, it would be really good if you ask for my permission. :)

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

Manpreet and a punjabi wedding

I shared PhotoStories everyday or try to. This was PhotoStory day 3. The idea is to share or recall some memories with help of pictures. If you happen to do a PhotoStory on your blog, share the link with me on twitter @manpreet1011 and I will give you a shout out. :)


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