And The Gmail Started Working...
As soon as gmail started working on my laptop, I got this irresistible urge to clutter my personal blog with lot of posts... LOT of posts. A while ago, due to some hate comments, I felt really demotivated and hence kinda stopped personal blogging and vlogging. It felt bad and it felt more bad because I stopped doing it because of a comment from some random person whom I didn't even know. It was stupid to get bothered because of that.
Anyways, as I am writing this post, you must know that I am getting over this bad state. And this definitely means that I am going to try many new things - beauty products review, fashion posts etc. I had always wanted to do both of these but the fear that people won't like it always stopped me. As I have a multi-niche blog, I have good male audience as well and I thought that if I started posting fashion and beauty related posts, my male audience would run away. But then female audience would have grown. Right? Moreover, when you open a blog, you always have a choice to read a post or not read it. If you don't want to read fashion and beauty related posts, skip them.
Or maybe I can also include some fashion posts targeted for men to balance it out. What do you think? I am also thinking of doing a lot of website reviews, mainly shopping website reviews. In India, such websites are booming and not everyone knows about them or trusts each of them.
We need to get over Flipkart. Seriously! I ordered a book a few days back and till yesterday it was shipped and then suddenly they sent me a message that your ORDER CANCELLATION request has been received. Seriously? It was lame. When I called customer care, they said my shipment was lost and therefore they cancelled the order (by saying that I made a cancellation request. Idiots! They are just losing their professionalism. Or maybe they didn't have any. Looks like they should hire me to learn some work ethics and how to be professional :P ;)
Enough of chatter. Time to work. Plus I need to work out... cons of trying to become a fashion blogger :P
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