3 Personality Traits I am Proud Of

31 DAY BLOGGING CHALLENGE DAY 6: 3 personality traits I am proud of
Personality is what describes a person. The people around you would judge you on the basis of personality you have. You might try to fake it up but at the end, your actual personality would be right in front of one and all. So, it’s always better to develop a good personality.
By personality, I don’t refer just to the kind of clothes or fashion statement one follows (of course they matter). Personality is everything – from what you wear, eat and do to what you think, perceive and reflect.
And today’s challenge was to write about the personality traits I am proud of. The list consists of 3 traits which I have in myself (or I think I have) and describes what makes me proud of them.

1.       Being square: straightforwardness came naturally to me. I never asked for it and sometimes I also curse this personality trait I have. Just imagine you’re talking to the chief management officials and you’re asked a question which needs to be answered in a diplomatic way.
At such a time, a person who never learnt to be square would be loved but a person like me would become the villain of the entire workspace. For one thing I have failed to learn in my life is being a diplomatic person.
I don’t like something in you, I would tell you right at your face. I won’t mind what you would think or feel (I do to some extent but still).
But now when I have met quite a number of people and seen them showing their kid-glove even when they need to be truthful, I am proud that I am a straight forward person. I am not into back biting and bitching about things or people.  I would rather say it on your face than discussing with others.

2.       Professional: It’s been three years since I have been studying in a professional college but if you ask the people of my college to come in formals, you would see maximum of the girls wearing gaudy satin tops with jeans and boys wearing half sleeves shirts with denims. 
Being professional is something I learnt through my experience at AIESEC but isn’t that expected from every person who enrolls into a professional degree?  
What’s the use of getting 80% above marks when you don’t understand how to talk, how to behave, how to wear clothes and how to present yourself in front of other people? 
Thank you AIESEC you saved me from being a part of that lot. I am proud to be an AIESECer and hence I have professionalism in all the work I do (haters RIP).

3.     Curiosity: Curiosity is the best power gifted to mankind by the almighty. If we hadn’t been curious enough, there would no steam engine, airplane or any other invention that is now an inseparable part of our life. If we hadn’t been curious, we wouldn’t have studied history or any other subject. If we hadn’t been curious, we would have had no knowledge. 
While the second personality trait is the result of efforts of my school and AIESEC, this one is the result of genes that I have in my body. And I am proud of it.

So, that’s it. The three personality traits I am proud of. I could have written more but the challenge asked me to mention three and respecting the laziness in me, I accepted to stick to just three. : )

Hey, I took a lot of time to write this post and I wrote with almost a broken hand.. And still you can't take out few seconds to comment? I want to hear what you gotta say about my post, my thoughts, your thoughts on the same subject and your own self. COMMENT!


  1. First of all so sorry to hear about your hand.

    A normal human being would have taken break from this 31 days blogging challenge, but with this article you proved your love for blogging again. So (Y) for your commitment and dedication..

    You have awesome traits which a human being must have integrated in his/her personality.

    Being square is also something which has put me in trouble so many times. Even I cannot lie on face.. My friends used to hate this because I always used to insult or praise them in front of them.. One guy (from Himachal Pardesh) was my room-mate when I was living in Gurgaon.

    He always used to say - Kulwant, you will get hit by someone one day because of this trait.

    But I used to say, "I don't care." :P

    The traits which you have truly define your personality and your genuineness. Being professional always teach you not only to follow organizational laws but nature's law as well.

    Curiosity is another awesome trait, because this always make you feel something very special, as you always keep thinking to learn new things, and be ready to experiment them. I hope your blogging journey also started because of this trait.

    Overall, you must feel proud because of such special god gifts, because this is what define you.

    As always, best wishes for your life. :)

    And wishing you a very very fast recovery.

    1. Thank you Kulwant. My hand will be alright within 2-3 days. And it doesn't pain that much while typing. :P
      and yup, blogging was a result of curiosity only and blogging is a wonderful platform to share what you learn. :)


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