Introspection - Do we really need it?

Introspection – it means to look inside and think about your actions and inner thoughts. How necessary it is? Is it helpful and relevant in practical day to day life? Is it capable enough to guide your course of action in real life?
I had been asked to write about the topic “Introspection – How the year went by, good or bad” but I decided to first write about Introspection in general. The words like Introspection, Perception, jealousy etc seem to be too small and unimportant. By the time you realize the actual meaning and affect of these words in your own life, it’s too late. Most of the people don’t even realize it. Fate!
That’s why I decided to talk about one of those topics – Introspection.

How necessary Introspection is?

Do we even need such a practice like introspection? Why would anyone take out time from his busy life and think about his actions and try to listen to the inner voice which is hardly audible to each one of us?
Most of the times we find it impossible to interpret what our inner voice talks about. We cannot understand what it wants us to do. And sometimes, we find us so incapable that we can’t even decide whether the actions we have taken are acceptable to our own self or not.
When you face a really bad situation where no one seems to be of any kind of help, when you face the harsh reality that each of one us comes in and goes out of this world all alone, when you face the truth that no matter how many hands are raised for your help, no one can help your soul to find piece. This needs to be done by you and only you. (Introspection!). At such times, Introspection does become necessary. Isn’t it?
But what if you practice this each night you go to sleep? You think about your actions during the day and resulting consequences. You think about the things which didn’t go well and need to be improved.  You think about the things which had been awesome and take one more second to realize the kind of happiness you got from that. What if you did that as a regular practice?
Don’t you think your life’s decisions would become a bit easier to take and bear? Don’t you think the situations of ‘being alone’ would be greatly reduced?

Is Introspection Relevant and Practical in Day to Day Life?

Don’t we have to take new decisions at each step in our life? Don’t we have to decide what we want and what we don’t at a particular time?
If yes, then the relevance of Introspection is unquestionable. You do need this to take the important decisions. You do need this to find peace with yourself.

Is Introspection Capable Enough to Guide Your Course of Action Real Life?

What do you think about this? Is it capable enough or not?


  1. Hello,
    Nice Read Manpreet Kaur
    Introspection is a mirror in which to see recesses of your mind that otherwise would remain hidden from you. "
    --Paramahansa .Yogananda

  2. Yeah it really is important in one's life! btw a good read (y). keep it up!


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