Self Respect
“Be beautiful if you can, wise if you want to, but be
respected- that is essential”
SELF –RESPECT, this word seems to be so simple but implying
this word in your life is far more difficult. We live in a materialistic world
and greed is what comes to us through inheritance. Since our birth, we keep on
struggling for achieving more and more; we try to put in more efforts and in
the long run, we do achieve what we want but its astonishing to see that we
never notice what we have left behind. We achieve success at the cost of self –
respect. Corruption, cheating, lies, that are the possessions of the man
without self- respect. But luckily I haven’t stepped into the shoes of such
people till now, nor do I want to. I do have big dreams, high goals and I
strive effortlessly to achieve those but would never feel satisfied if I
realized my dreams at the cost of my self-respect. Whatever I do in my life and
whatever I would do is for me and my family. If I am an engineering student
now, that too because of my family and our dreams. It’s said that education
starts from home and what my parents have taught me till now, is how to live in
this world with your self-respect as the top priority. I take this word “self-
respect” in a broad sense. I have seen people who if have to apologize to
someone, think as if it would hurt their self- respect. But I believe that if
you are wrong and you confess it, you become a hero in yourself. I refer these
lines as my daily food for thoughts.
“Respect you efforts. Respect yourself. Self-respect leads
to self discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real
And when you are powerful, your dreams and your goals are
surely at your footsteps…
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