The Avengers Review & What makes me love Hollywood movies

Did I tell you that I have been watching a lot of movies these days? I wasn’t really a fan of movies before but then I learnt of how movies can help me in my artistic ventures. After all, making movies is an art that needs high expertise. You can’t make a movie just like that. Of course, you can. Bollywood does that all the time. But to make a good movie, you need to put in efforts – a lot of efforts.
Yesterday night, as I was trying to stay awake till late night, I started watching The Avengers. This is a superhero film that has the best of superheroes in lead role – Iron Man (Robert Downey), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Hawk Eye (Jeremy Renner) and Loki (tom Hiddleston).
The latter one is the bad guy of the story who is seeking for vengeance against his brother Thor. To work on his evil plan, he steals an extremely powerful device that would open the gates of other world to Earth and call on the war. The superheroes get together to fight the villain.
If you’re wondering what I would say for the latter part of this article i.e. What makes me love Hollywood Movies... Read on!
I have grown up watching Bollywood movies (Hindi Language) which are often created from commercial point of view. At least the ones I used to see were of that nature. Such stories, the most successful ones in the Bollywood Box Office, are usually yuck! Seriously, there’s no proper script writing, no attention paid on detailing and no hard work done on filming a perfect flawless scene. It is very common to expect change of bike the hero is riding on in the climax scene and so on. No one cares.

But, in the Hollywood movies like The Avengers, a lot of work is done on the script, screenplay and special effects. Each detail is considered important. For example, in a scene the Iron Man points out a guy who was playing a game on his office computer. Once the scene ends, the focus goes back on the same guy who starts playing the game again. That small part of the movie shows how fine the script was written and such parts add extra punches to the script.
The most hilarious scene of the movie is of course when Loki points out to Hulk that he is a god and Hulk was nothing but a human turned monster, Hulk pulls him by his legs and beat him up. Badly. When hulk moves out... Loki is shown squeaking like a puppy. It is so funny. I loved it and I know everyone who watches movies with great attention loves such minute but awesome parts of the movie.
Such things are often ignored in Bollywood movies for the director focuses more on what dress heroine is wearing instead of what she is supposed to do in the scene.
So, in the end, I would say The Avengers is a really good movie. Did I really need to mention that ?
My Ratings: 4/5


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