I don't Care

t’s been one month since I have written on PerCepTion. Yes, it might sound weird to many but the truth is I have done this quite a lot of times. I have been irresponsible and inconsistent many a times. I have pretended like I don’t even have a blog. I have pretended like ‘I don’t care’.
Sometimes we go through a phase when we tend to ignore the most important things in our life. We tend to ignore the things we love. We tend to ignore what we really are.
Why do we do like that? Why do we force ourselves so much? Why do we become so cruel to our own self?
Remember, when you were born! You entered into this world all alone, unless you have a twin.  You opened your eyes and saw this world all alone. Practically, you have done everything which matters to you all alone but still as we grow up, we start looking for company.
We start looking for people who would accompany us in doing one thing or other. Whether it’s shopping or studying, we need a friend. Whether it’s talking or sharing our feelings, we need someone. If at some time, we find no one to be with us, we feel like we’re paralyzed. We lose our will and strength to do that work.
And the reason of loss of strength is not because we’re alone. The reason is that we think that we can’t do it by our own self.
Now, this kind of behavior is found in all human beings. So it does in me as well. I also look for company when I have to do some work. But sometimes we go too far on our search for company. Sometimes, we fail to realize that there are things which we are meant to do alone. For example, pursuing our passion!

I forgot the same thing. I forgot that blogging is my love and my passion  and I want to do it and therefore I don’t need anyone to make me do it or accompany me while I do what I love.  And that’s the reason why I pretended like ‘I don’t care’ and stayed away from this blog. I was looking for someone to make me do what I want to do.
But obviously, I found none until today when I realized my mistake, when I realized that this is my choice and I have to walk on my chosen path all alone, just like everyone has to.
You might think there are lots of people walking along with you, but only till you open your eyes, come out of your dream world and see that you’re all alone.
And that’s when, my friend, all your problems will come to an end. You will do what you want and there would be nothing you won’t be able to do. Try it! It will work…


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