How To Be Successful And Happy

At last, I managed to open the MS Word and start typing again!
I tried to stop myself. I tried my best. I told myself that there are important things that need my immediate attention. I reminded myself that I haven’t even done 20% of the syllabus and I have to sit for the exam the next day. I knew if I didn’t devote my full attention to the syllabus, there was not a small possibility that I would be able to complete the syllabus.
Having known all this, having known my commitment towards studies, having known the target I set for myself for this semester exams, having known all of this all the time wasn’t enough. I know things like studies, exams, career are more important in the lives of people nowadays.
But there is one thing which we all miss out at. We all forget to realize where our happiness lies. We fail to realize what the real meaning of success for us is.

At what point would I consider myself as a successful person? May be when I get a job with a five digit salary or may be when I get married and start my family.
What do you think my answer would be? Would I be successful if I had every ingredient in place which is required to be termed as being successful (according to the society).
No. I won’t be successful even if I become the richest person of the world with a handsome and loving husband and two beautiful children. I won’t be successful if I become famous all over the world and every one paid respect to me.
For me, I would be successful when I accomplish what my passion wants me to do. I would be successful when I start writing or start taking out enough time in my daily schedule to pen down the thoughts that come into my mind. I would be successful when I start studying the subjects which I have really wanted to study. Doing all the things which, due to lack of time or due to my laziness, haven’t been done till now would make me feel happy and contented.
And when I feel happy and contented with what I do, that’s when I would call myself to be a successful person.
Let me tell you a secret. Even you want the same as I do. For you, success might be earning lots of money and having a job where you would be required to do nothing (virtually). But try it out! Once you reach at that state in your life, you would realize how wrong you had been thinking. You would realize that your real happiness lies in something else.
At that point you would be forced to find out where your happiness lies. This may give rise to two possibilities. One you think that it’s too late to start the quest of finding your happiness and give up without trying. By the way, it would really be too late by then (still not impossible).
Second you may take up the strong attitude and start your quest. Soon after you put all your efforts in finding that mysterious thing which makes you happy, you would discover the road to your happiness (If you’re lucky enough!).
But what if you do that now? What if you spend your 'extra important time' in finding where you happiness lies? Won’t that be better? You would know what really makes you happy and maybe you can work on it and make your path towards happiness an easy one.
The real problem with the society today is that every single person is a ‘blind follower’. Without putting in little efforts to discover his own desires, a person sets on his journey to achieve ‘success’. But is it even possible to reach the destination when you don’t even know the whereabouts of the path that would take you towards that destination? You would be LOST.
So, find what your real destination is. Discover which path is going to take your towards it and start walking on that path. Remember that it would be a really slow journey. And you don’t need to reach directly to that destination. You can stop by at some places to give yourself some rest. You can try to get a high paying job while working on your book. You can do everything you want to do.  


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